Medic 912
Medic 912 is a Frazer ambulance mounted on a Ford F-450 chassis.
Medic 920
Medic 920 is a Frazer ambulance mounted on a Ford F-450 chassis.
Medic 914
Medic 914 is a Frazer ambulance mounted on a Chevrolet 3500 chassis.
Medic 918
Medic 918 is a Frazer ambulance mounted on an International chassis.
MOF-1 is a quick response truck utilized by our shift captains to provide first response, crew assistance, mobile command, and some rescue operations.
Squad - 1
Squad-1 is a quick response F150 utilized to provide first response, crew assistance, events & standby’s support, and rehab on scenes.
Command- 1
C-1 is a Chevrolet Tahoe that is staffed by an EMS Chief to provide first response, crew assistance, and mobile command